2015 Summer Sale 仲夏特賣日
列治文加拿大殉道聖人天主堂(加殉堂) 將於8月22日(週六) 上午10時至下午3時舉辦 "仲夏特賣日". 免費入場. 歡迎各界來臨選購. 會場有大量時尚女裝, 飾物, 家庭用品, 盆栽, 玩具, 應有盡有…還有美食,足部按摩治療, 趣味照相館.
Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church Summer Sale, on August 22 (Saturday) from 10 am to 3 pm. There will be for sale: new clothing, accessories, jewelleries, household items, toys, plants and more ... Foot massage therapy and photo booth will be on site. There are also juice bar and food for everyone. Come and join the fun! Free Admission