Lenten Confession
Mar 25 (Mon) & 26 (Tue) 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Mar 29 (Fri) 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
(Please refer to other parishes in Richmond for their schedule)
Share Lent The second collection this Sunday is to assist our Canadian Bishops to help the poor countries develop and to build peace.
Holy Week Liturgy
(all in English & Chinese except on Easter Sunday)
Mar 28 (Thu) 8:00 pm Mass of the Lord's Supper
Mar 29 (Fri) 3:00 pm Good Friday
(1) From age of 14 are bound to abstain from meat. Those from 18 years to the beginning of their 60th year are bound to fast i.e. no meat with only one full meal be taken.
(2) The Good Friday Collection will be in support of the Christian communities, the Holy Land, the upkeep of the Holy Sites and the formation of future priests. Let us give generously and show solidarity to the needs of the Church in the land of Jesus.
Mar 30 (Sat) 9:00 pm Easter Vigil (with adult baptism)
Mar 31 (Sun) Easter Sunday
9:30 am Chinese Mass
11:45 am English Mass (with baptism)
Stations of the Cross will be held on Mar 22 (Fridays). English at 7 p.m. and Chinese at 8 p.m.
3月25日(週一)及26日(週二) 晚上7:30-9:00
Share Lent 今主日的第二次奉獻是為加拿大天主教團協助貧窮國家發展工程之用,請慷慨解囊。
聖 週 禮 儀
3月28日 (週四) 晚上8:00 主的晚餐
3月29日 (週五) 下午3:00 救主受難紀念
1) 當守大小齋日─教友在當日須守大、小齋。年滿十四歲的教友須守小齋(不能吃熱血肉類)。十八歲至六十歲的教友須守大、小齋﹝該天內只吃一飽餐,非肉類﹞。
2) 當日奉獻是為支持聖地之用。
3月30日 (週六) 晚上9:00 基督復活主日夜間禮儀 (成人入門聖事)
3月31日 (主日) 早上9:30 基督復活主日(中文)
早上11:45 基督復活主日(英文) (入門聖事)
苦路善工 - 週五特別敬禮:3月22日,晚上7:00(英語),晚上8:00(粵/國語)。