Christmas Mass (Day of Obligation)
Dec 24 (Tue) 8:00 p.m. Family Mass, 10:15 p.m. Caroling and 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass.
Dec 25 (Wed) 9:30 a.m. Mass in Cantonese and Mandarin, 11:30 a.m. Mass in English.
Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Day of Obligation)
Jan 1 (Wed) 9:30 a.m. Mass in Cantonese and Mandarin, 11:30 a.m. Mass in English.
聖 誕 彌 撒 (當守瞻禮)
12月24日(週二) 晚上8:00 家庭彌撒 (中/英)
晚上10:15 聖誕佳音
晚上11:00 聖誕彌撒 (中/英)
12月25日(週三) 早上9:30 中文彌撒 (國/粵)
早上11:30 英文彌撒
天主之母瑪利亞節日 (當守瞻禮)
1月1日(週三) 早上9:30 中文彌撒
早上11:30 英文彌撒
Pope's Prayer Intention in December:~
That Christians, enlightened by the light
of the incarnate Word, may prepare humanity
for the Savior's coming.
Susanna Lee – Parish Secretary
Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church
5771 Granville Avenue, Richmond, B.C. V7C 1E8
Tel: 604-272-5563 Fax: 604-272-5564